Cookie Policy

Introduction to cookies

Like many sites, we may use cookies on Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser on a device when you visit a website. Some are necessary for the site to function properly and to store users’ preferences. Cookies allow the website to recognise when you are returning to the website and to respond appropriately.

What we use cookies for

Strictly necessary cookies: we use cookies that are necessary for the operation of our website. We use and to handle donations and these set their own cookies to control the payment process.

Performance cookies: we do not currently use cookies to anonymously track user behaviour and demographics on our website but donorbox and stripe may do so. These cookies would help us to improve the website so that we can ensure it is as engaging and effective as possible, so we may do so in the future.

We do not currently use advertising, or marketing cookies.

How to disable cookies

You can manage the cookies set by here or visit for information on how to block and/or manage cookies in major browsers.